Monday, August 3, 2009

Brace Face Muggles

Scott and his partner planned a really fun evening the opening day of Harry Potter for the patients and parents of Leaver & Gardner Ortho. They decided to rent a theater opening day and have a private showing of the new movie to show their appreciation to the families they care for. During the week they played the HP movies in the office and wore Gryffindor garb. I made some posters, the girls all wore witch hats... and each person received a $10 concession card for popcorn & candy- all the bad stuff they probably had to pick out the next few days at work. :) It was a full house and lots of fun. If you're a muggle with bad teeth (or semi-average but want free tix to movie #7) then go get some metal in your mouth! I may have to do that myself to guarantee my own ticket.

**And the show was great, right? I really liked this specific book and thought they did a fine job with the movie. Beautifully filmed and just as spooky as I remembered. Esp. the cave. Eeeby-jeeby!

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