Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sid Fishous*

You know... Life has taught me many things. It has taught me lately that sometimes when you make the right choice, even when you don't really want to, you could still be condemned for that choice. Condemned for trying to be good! It's sad, really. But what can you do?
Example: Sid.
(*and if you don't understand my title reference then you are probably too young to be my friend. Which means I am old. Ugh.)
We had pets growing up. I liked our pets. They were fun. They were cute and ate little food and lived in little spaces. They were also a mess, pooped outside of their spaces and would wander away and get lost. I already have three of these. Their names are Elliet, Luke and Sadie. I don't need any pets. The thought of taking care of one more thing has not interested me. But here is the trap, folks. I attend my ward Enrichment night and they have centerpieces filled with goldfish. I'm no dummy. I did the math pretty fast and knew they'd have to pawn off all those fishies to someone at the end of the night, so I formulated my excuses early. It mattered not. There I was, surrounded by friends taking their own and saying how much my kids would like one (and how quickly they expire) so I caved. I CAVED. I tried to make a 'good choice'. Home I come with a goldfish.
The next morning the kids squealed with joy and named him Sid. I have no idea why. He wasn't swimming around too much so we hurried out and got him some food. Turns out that within the 24 hour period of him coming home, the other fishes my friends brought home had died. Nice. Not Sid. No no no... he is a hardy little sucker.
And this was all about three weeks ago. I even waited to post about the guy because I didn't think he'd be around long enough. Ah well. At least he can't whine at me. :)


Jewels said...

I'm waiting for an update on this post that says, "Sid has gone belly up.." Wait for it....waaaait for iiiitt.

Tayva said...

Still laughing at your title for the blog! What a riot! (just f.y.i., we had a goldfish---the same goldfish---for YEARS. Some of them just never give up. . .) XO

Jessica said...

Our Goldfish Flow lived for years! Until crazy neighbor Danny wanted him while we were in Mexico and he died the day we got him back. We have a very soft spot in our hearts for Flow- you might feel it for Sid! Get ready!

Yennigirl said...

First of all, I am old enough to be your friend and I still didn't get the title. I guess I'm not in tune enough with the music world. Secondly, that would totally happen to me . . . oh wait, it has . . . we sill have our neglected rabbit. And I had to laugh at the kids being pets reference.

La La Land said...

Love the title. Good luck with doing the "right" thing!