Monday, June 8, 2009

Last Days

So, last week marked the end of some school for the kids.
Sadie and Luke finished Ms. Kristina's preschool and had a fun graduation/swim party celebration. She had a really cute program complete with handmade grad hats (the coolest idea) which they got to wear as they entered to music while we cheered. Then Ms. Kristina called each name and shared funny stories or interesting characteristics unique to each child. It was so cute to see them smile up there as she did this. She then presented them with a certificate and the best part, a large book of art projects they worked on throughout the year with a self portrait on the front. Hilarious. She was such a great teacher. I am so glad the twins had a chance to be in her class and I've loved getting to know her better. You did a great job- We heart you "Miss Kreena"! :)

I am also a lame Mom. I have no pictures of Elliet's last day. Apparently I missed the memo that this was a big deal, and my story goes like this:
I rush to the school to find the street already packed with parked cars. Luckily I slipped into a freshly vacated spot and speed walk to meet her outside just in time. We already gave the teacher cards and notes, etc., so I am thinking this will be a hug goodbye, "have a great summer" deal and hip-hip-hooray it's summer time. Not so. As I begin to cross the blacktop I notice children with puffy, swollen eyes...wet cheeks...shoulders racking uncontrollably in mothers hips to hide the tears.... what was happening?! Oh dear- tears for saying good bye to the teachers. I never thought to talk to Elliet about this and just as I find her, she is quiet, head down, solemn... I kneel down and check to see if all is okay and it is. I give her teacher a hug, thank her for everything (she really was so wonderful) and tell Elliet it's time to say goodbye. She wraps her arms around her legs and gives her a big hug and the tears begin to fall as we walk away. Oh man- that melted my heart. It took me a few minutes at home to get her smile back. Awww....
Anyway, school is officially out and here we go summer.
I already nearly left my kids at the store today. It's gonna be a long one... :)


Kristina said...

Cute! I espeically like the one with Luke where my face looks fo pretty....j/k. Can you email me any pictures of all the kids together or at the party? Trev didn't take any pictures for me. :)

anna said...

so cute! all the kids in their bare feets!!