Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day Glo

Until I get a window of time to catch up on posts of value like Easter/family/kids..."such as" (said like a true beauty pageantess, eh?), I at least have a moment to reveal yet another embarrassing trend confession: Neon. I don't know if it's the Springtime or what but I am digging brightness. I wanted a neon yellow T last summer and realized every time I put one on that A) it was a horrid color on me and B) I should probably avoid clothing because I wore that already as a teenager. But bits of it here and there is okay, right? Like this fab necklace from Jcrack or accents in shoes. The girl crawling on the mirror floor is a bit much but her shoes are HOT. The ad showcasing the bottle opener edged bucket arrived in my email this week and I loved the painted neon bottles. What can I do with neon in my home that won't look totally tacky? Any ideas? Anyway, I forsee cans of flourescent Krylon soon in my future. Could be bad, Could be good.
Though...I certainly won't do that to my bike.
(but I would a fixie! How cool would that be? Rich! Pick up a cheap bike and we'll make it wall art!)


Jessica said...

Keep your eyes peeled for my neon pink swimsuit for Powell this summer!!

Love the Necklace too!

La La Land said...

I love neon accessories, but the clothes...not so much. It seems like just a few years ago we were wearing neon!

Oh, and I loved the neon lights in your old house...