Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Amigos: We Ride!

The kids came home with a reminder for Earth week this week and encouraged reduced car transportation. We already carpool but I thought it would be a good excuse to experiment riding to school. They still don't know how to ride their bikes (sans training wheels- a goal of mine to get that taught soon) so they chose to ride their scooters. The weather has been so pleasant and perfect so Monday, while Scott was off, we all rode to school. I snapped this wobbly photo from my phone while riding my bike to remember how great the simple things can be.
We tried this again yesterday but they are starting to get frustrated with the scooters (yay). Here's to hoping I can fit in a moment this weekend for bike practice. I'd love to do this with them as much as we can before it gets too hot...

And start young, folks because riding a bike has it's magical powers and privileges. Look at this beautiful view I had while riding up to Red Rock last week early in the morning. Glorious!

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