Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Catch Up

Things are chugging along at their usual rate around here. Now that soccer season has begun our lives have become a bit crazy{er}. We have things every night during the week so our weekends have been like rehab. And not long enough at that! We're enjoying it, though. Last Saturday all three kids did well at their games and had so much fun that it makes it worth it.
As I've been lazy on posting here, some fun things have occurred. The twins had their 6th Birthday this month (+ Mimi)!! We are having so much fun as a family getting older and sillier - I love it. Scott's sister Jen was in town all that week so the cousins played and we celebrated with a family party at the Leaver house that night. I also managed to fit in a class treat of cookies. Wow- it was a busy day. We had a quiet party with a couple of the twins friends and their families at the park that weekend (thrown together in one day because I couldn't think any further ahead than that) which was all they needed.
*Here is a pic of the Allen cousins visiting from Utah. So fun to see them! And note Elliet making the Peace sign. Ugh. She can't conceptualize the meaning yet (because she asked me) but has caught on to it's trend. It reminds me of me as a kid doing the same thing drawing Ahnks on my school folders and phsychedelic hippy doodles (now I know how you felt, Mom).
*Next pic is Luke eating one of his donuts (gifted from his awesome Primary teachers) which he wanted accompanied with cherry tomatoes.... (??)
*The cookies I made for their Kindergarten class.
*And a pic from our neighborhood Easter picnic. We had an egg hunt in our front yard. My family came that weekend and it was great (but not long enough!).


Jen said...

What a celebration to be with you. The photos remind of how fun it really was. Family time is never long enough. Love the cookies. Thanks again for the park idea,spoiling me with salmon, and doing the frosting. love to you

Karen said...

LOVE those cookies - did you let them eat them? They should be framed.