Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Saint Pats

Another St. Patricks day has come and gone in our household.
And, as is custom in this house, the kids scavenge our recycling for things to trap the leprechaun the night before so we are left inventing a makeshift trap at the last minute.
This year Sadie conceived most of the plan. Since the leprechaun usually runs away before a trap can fall on top of him, this year she wanted a trap he could fall INTO. Clever. Also making my lying responsibility more difficult butwhateveritsaboutthekidsandnotme.
We took a milk box, cut a square on top and then replaced it so the weight of the leprechaun, when standing on it to get the 'treasure', would fall in and be trapped. They wrote their notes and went to bed.
The highlight of this for me was Elliet. She came to me privately and asked me if this is really real, so I confided in her that it wasn't and invited her to help me make it fun for Sadie and Luke. She lit up and loved it. It was so fun to have her be part of it, hence her wink in the photo.

Our 'escape plan' in the end was a hole cut out of the box at the bottom and the leprechauns note said he used his magic to get out. Bummer! But this has renewed Sadie's determination to catch him. She said next year we are going to use a metal trap so he CANNOT get out, even with his magic. Maybe Mom will just spill the magic beans, as it were.

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