Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Last of Catching Up

1) Mid-May was Scott's Birthday. We decorated the kitchen full of balloons and streamers, ate good food, played and shared presents. He said he wanted to go see the Tour of CA for his Bday so our little trip 'counted' for that (though I tucked in a few extra presents as well). This picture of us was taken from that trip. I just love my best friend. We also shared our 14th anniversary a couple of weeks ago. When I think of all the things we have worked through, places we've been, people we've known...everything we've experienced together, I am overwhelmed with gratitude that this man has been by my side. I love to be with him, laugh and cry with him, learn and grow with him...I love you S.E. Happy Birthday/Anniversary!

2) Scott works with Mike, a dear friend and partner who lives about 20 minutes away. Despite this small distance, we rarely get together like we used to now that kids are getting older and schedules crazier. But we finally worked out a night to visit and go swim at their house with some other friends, Tyler & Casey. Their pool is way cooler than ours complete with a big waterslide and waterfall cave (with depths great for diving as Luke happily demonstrated).
This was what the twins looked like on the way over. Luke wore his goggles the entire time. So funny. (Scott took the pic, don't worry)

3) Elliet lost her other front tooth. Woot!

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