Monday, January 11, 2010

Lucky Star

Oy Vey.
It's time again, my friends. January. And all the bathing suits start to come out. My skin is starving to feel that warm sunshine, but I don't think all the Ebelskivers I've stuffed my face with throughout December will be very friendly to my figure. Alas.... nothing like these swim catalogs that begin to pour in to make you recommit to the self control.
(This moment came to me when going through my mail at 9:30 pm whilst putting a 5th Oreo in my mouth. Whole.)

Until we get our bodies up to par, here is a smaller dose of instant gratification that I recommend. Have you heard of the new Matte nailpolish buzz? Well, my Mom answered my Christmas list and done got me some. I went the brave route and selected this hot pink along with Linkin Park. Boy O Boy! I love it! It's so fun during gloomy January. Kind of an irridescent, purply Madonna-would-be-jealous pink. And it's seriously rad how it dries dull like a chalk board.
So until you feel like wearing hot pink suits the size of a fingernail, I suggest this instead.

As a side note- I highly recommend the bands I have posted right now. Great sunshine sound for your ears until the sand is in your toes. Happy Happy Joy Joy.


Jewels said...

Can I just copy and paste your post and put it on my blog? You're freaking reading my mind, yo.

Tayva said...

Hmm. An oreo sounds really good right now! XO

Brian said...

I clicked on the bikini picture, but it didn't enlarge. Can you fix that? I'm only asking for...ummmm...Mom! Yeah, Mom wants to see more detail. Can you fix that??? Soon???

Bryan Crew said...

Love the suit. Also, we have the same wrapping paper as you. That makes me feel crafty and skilled- just like my friend Andrea. And finally, those are some smokin' awesome nativity dress-ups. You would!

Yennigirl said...

Freaky . . . the Vampire Weekend CD was playing in the background as I read this. Can't wait to hear about your vacay in NY.

Pamela said...

um, can i just say i think you're very cool? i've heard such wonderful things about you from avey, my new friend here in washington...i can see why she misses you! i think you should move here so we can all pal around. i think we'd have fun. :)