Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Last Week

The busy final week of October. Let's see if I can remember all the shizzle that went down...
I was responsible for a project for the twins Kindergarten class on Thursday and finally committed to making a hinged skeleton the kids could cut out and assemble. It turned out awesome!...for 2nd graders. It was more advanced than they could do (oops) but there were plenty of other activities so luckily my failure wasn't too obvious. I was in their class all morning helping out and it was fun to work with the kids, but man- I was wiped out at the end of that day. I don't know how their teacher does it! This year the school did not do the trunk or treat like last year and instead had a Halloween parade outside (not as cool but whatevs). As usual, the PE God Mr. Shenkberger was the master of fun and lead everyone in Monster Mash dances outside. Look at the dude- what kid wouldn't love that PE teacher? Then it was back inside and this time I went to Elliets class for her class party. I was in charge of cupcakes and have wanted to make those Martha monster cupcakes forever so I used this as a reason to finally do it. Scott helped me do these the night before... I didn't know he was so creative with marshmallows. The kids had a really fun last day of school (Friday off for Nevada Day) so it was a good set up for the weekend ahead.
Marty & Jess decided to come visit us last minute and we were so excited to have them come. They arrived late Thursday night and stayed through Monday. We hung out doing little preparations here and there for the party that night (more on that later) and Jess and I even got in a work out up at Red Rock. The weather warmed up beautifully in time for the weekend and was perfect for Trick or Treating (since I want to keep this post short I'll do those pics next). A good Thursday (and whew, it was done).
PS- If your kids are bored and/or want to give them a busy anatomy activity, email me and I'll send you the pdf for Mr. Bones here. :)

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