Friday, August 21, 2009

Lake Powell Pt. 2

While hanging at ThatTharLakePal, we did some exploring.
Jess suggested a little hike to the Wahweap Windows. It was a large pair of big boulders that were naturally hollowed from years of wind and rain erosion. My pictures are a lame representation but hopefully you get an idea and can see the variety of line directions that carved the walls. Lots of carved names from past visitors- the oldest dates I could find were early seventies. A cool place.

This was a cool old restored boat that we passed on our way out from the hike. It had white rib-stitched seats which I loved.

Makin' rockets with the rocket miester, which would be my Dad. Don't suppose you remember this rocket launcher our neighbors had but my Dad was so interested in it he bought one himself and brought the materials for us to have our own night of Space Camp. We sat on the top of the boat cutting and gluing fins and blew those puppies in de skies. Scott was on the ground retrieving for a while so we eventually made a toilet paper target on said 'dir bich'.
NASA, no copying.

My Dad on a rescue mission, which was futile...the little guys just didn't make it if they got wet.

On to WeatherHill Canyon, Ho! Another great day of excursion was one of the best memories I'll have of this trip. We drove the boat down a very beautiful and swervy canyon that narrowed gradually for a couple of miles. These are the things that make these trips so incredible.

This is what the first little bit looked like. Calm, flat, green.

The further in we go, the glassier the water surface gets.

Here is Rich looking majestic (mostly I loved the comparison of the rock right behind him and the height of the canyon above. That, and his pocket square.)

Then spots would open back up again to keep going... keep going.....

More beautiful clean emerald green water.

It is just beautiful to see the white washed rock disappear beneath the edges of the water. We kept asking my Dad, "What is the depth now? How about here?" because it would seriously be 130 feet, 57 feet, 84 feet, etc. SOO deep and yet the walls are right next to us.

Now, one thing I don't have pictures of, but want to remember, is we didn't get much further before the boat would get stuck. And the spirit of adventure was too much to leave unanswered so Scott, Jess and I put on life vests and decided to swim further up and see if it either opened up more or ended. We would swim a about 100 yards and the end would turn, so we'd go. Then another 100 yards would go on to another turn. So we did that, too. I think we did this about 5 or 6 times and, yes- I was wondering if we'd made a mistake when I could hear Marty, Rich and Randi following up behind. Fun! Friends in our foolishness. And soon after Scott announced an ending which didn't amount to much after all that work. We only walked up the sandy path a little while before we turned back. Ugh- and had to swim allthewayback. Us Patches are not great swimmers- Marty, Rich and I took up the rear and were laughing at how pathetic we were. My poor parents and Julia did not think we'd be so long (neither did we!) so I felt bad they had to wait all that time but they were great about it. Really cool day. Love this place.


Jessica said...

My favorite picture is the the one with your toes and the water! It makes me want to jump in!

Bryan Crew said...


anna said...

really awesome pictures andrea! that last one makes me really jealous! i love the one of all the girlies sunning themselves!

Kjrsten said...

Lake powell is magical.
dude, so rad! I like that you guys all go on this trip without all of the kids/grandkids! We need to do that together more often.