Friday, June 26, 2009

Posh Poultry

I have a problem.
You don't have to tell me.
I am so aware of it and yet I still move forward with curiosities... flitting to and fro from one crazy thing to the next...
Blame it on the garden, blame it on the compost, but have a little, teeny tiny secret desire to now have chickens. Fresh eggs! How cool is that!? And, well, this company doesn't make it easy for me to resist. These are such snazzy little cabanas and I sort of a little bit want one.
I know this may be a stretch but does anyone out there have chickens? Does anyone out there want to talk me out of it? Because so far the friends I have that do have chickens make it sound crack-a-lackin'.
Perhaps the city laws will make my decision for me.... until then, me wanty.


Jeannine said...

One of my students has chickens. She says they are like roosters in the morning. I have no idea why u would want them. Nasty buggers. I'll stick to buying my eggs! :)

La La Land said...

Grew up with a chicken coop FULL of chickens. A lot of work (all done by my parents). If you want more deets, email me!

cyrie said...

First of all, I've enjoyed following your blog for a while. Second, go here and read her post from May 1. This is my aunts blog and she loves having chickens.

Belly Bones Scott said...

All those who wish to assist my wife in learning more about chickens, getting chickens, increasing her aspirations to have chickens, spelling chickens correctly and the like will be visited by a nice, large Italian man named Larry Pistone, who will subsequently send you back to the year 1984 with a 2 by 4.

Jewels said...

You're out of your clucking mind.

- Tracy said...

Oh, I kinda liked the chicken idea!

Bryan Crew said...

I'm with Scott. Ew.