Saturday, November 12, 2011

Halloween Act 2

Alright- so we get home from CA and have an hour to spare in which I had to:
Make Chili to take to the ward party
Get the kids in their costumes
Find their treat buckets for the candy
Load the trunk decorations in the car (which meant unpacking from the trip)
Unbag and load the candy we were giving out
Have a strong drink
Since Scott wasn't feeling all that great still, he decided to help me out with everything and then stay home. He was so helpful and we pulled it off. I even got a few pics of the kids before we left.
Sadie was a witch (she was very specific about wanting to be a green and black witch), Elliet was Hermione, wearing Luke's Sunday shirt and a tie/robe donated from the Hills (huge thanks!) and Luke was Toad from Mario Kart.
Was I happy I didn't have to make costumes this year? Absolutely.

After arriving and eating, we all start to slip out and get our trunks ready. I used this same monster mouth as last year. It is still genius because I can get up in 10 minutes or less. The kids are all old enough go around with friends so it was nice to sit back and talk to everyone coming by. It was a fun evening but I was exhausted!

Sunday, rest.
Monday, Happy Halloween! First things first. After the kids went to school I joined some friends in a Thriller Zumba class at the gym. I'm not a Zumba fan, but Thriller & Halloween songs? I'm in. It was still mixed with that annoying Latin music on speed but the Halloween moments were worth it. I walked and clawed like a Zombie, yo.
Then it was hurry home, eat, shower and head to the school for the Halloween Trunk Parade.
I recruited some other friends to do it with me so we had a row together and helped with each others trunk deco's. This year I put an old school T on the kid skelly in the car. The kids liked that touch. Oh, that and I also wore pink octopus tentacle fingers. Good times.

We braided Elliet's hair the night before so it was big and wavy for her costume. Most of it had relaxed by the time I saw her.

Then after school it was hurry home and get ready for our last hurrah. We had friends come over and eat dinner, get the kids costumed up and hit the 'hood for candy.
This part was fun. Bruce slipped away from our group and hurried to his house so when the kids rang the doorbell, he could answer as Yoda. It was great. He's also the one who will put on rubber masks and attack kids from the water at the Lake. This is serious stuff.

By the time we circled the neighborhood, we were ALL pooped out.

It was a really fun way to end the month. We're so grateful for our awesome friends and celebrating with us. And I think it took me two days to recover!
Hope you all had a great Halloween!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Wonderful report Awa, you are amazing!